Retain 3.x/4.x
Is there a way to change the logo on Retain
Yes, you can rebrand Retain for your clients.
Retain 3.x
The files that need changing are found in:
(Win) C:\Program Files\Beginfinite\Retain\RetainServer\design\gwava\images\branding
(Linux) /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer/design/gwava/images/branding
The files that need to be changed most are the ones that your clients will see:
login_header.gif is the one on the login page and is a 598x38 image.
header.gif is the one at the top of the Search Messages page and is a 746x48 image.
logo.gif is the one on the main page.
Rename the original files and replace them with your own making sure they meet the size requirements.
Retain 4.x
The logo file is now called Retain_Logo.png