Error: com.gwava.extractor.OXMLExtractor$1 extractor exception error, missing content types .xml files

  • 7019219
  • 04-May-2011
  • 07-Aug-2017


Retain (all versions)


The Retain server is reporting this error: com.gwava.extractor.OXMLExtractor$1 extractor exception error, missing content types .xml files. What does this mean?


This error happens during the indexing process where Retain has to extract the text before placing it into the index, but the xml file it's extracting text from is either malformed or incomplete.

Since the xml file is corrupted in some way, Retain can’t get the text, so it produces this error. The error does not pose a problem to Retain’s normal operation. However, the message will not be searchable since it was not indexed.

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 1971.