Comparison of MySQL database tables in various Retain versions

  • 7019211
  • 10-Sep-2015
  • 07-Aug-2017




1.8, 2.6, and 3.x table comparison, MySQL:



mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_retain   |
| Audit              |
| Document           |
| Email              |
| Node               |
| attachment         |
| connection_test    |
| t_Part             |
| t_audit_properties |
| t_dbinfo           |
| t_deletion         |
| t_msg_properties   |
| t_recipients       |


mysql> show tables;
| Tables_in_retain   |
| Audit              |
| Document           |
| Email              |
| Node               |
| connection_test    |
| attachment         |
| t_dbinfo           |
| t_audit_properties |
| t_msg_properties   |
| t_deletion         |
| t_recipients       |
| t_Part             |
| t_abook            |
| t_aclrights        |
| t_appuid           |
| t_comments         |
| t_datetimeformats  |
| t_dbinfoproperties |
| t_dl               |
| t_dlmembers        |
| t_domains          |
| t_engines          |
| t_exchobj          |
| t_group            |
| t_groupprops       |
| t_grpacl           |
| t_grpmembers       |
| t_grpuid           |
| t_handlers         |
| t_index            |
| t_intuid           |
| t_jobmembers       |
| t_joboptions       |
| t_jobs             |
| t_languages        |
| t_modopt           |
| t_modules          |
| t_notify           |
| t_postoffices      |
| t_profiles         |
| t_recp_properties  |
| t_schedule         |
| t_scheduleoptions  |
| t_shared           |
| t_sql              |
| t_uidbase          |
| t_user             |
| t_useracl          |
| t_userproperties   |
| t_useruid          |
| t_workeropt        |
| t_workers          |


| Tables_in_retain       |
| Audit                  |
| Document               |
| Email                  |
| Node                   |
| attachment             |
| connection_test        |
| legacy_ids             |
| s_AddressBookCache     |
| s_Errors               |
| s_JobRunErrors         |
| s_JobRunIncrements     |
| s_JobRuns              |
| s_JobsCache            |
| s_MailboxRunErrors     |
| s_MailboxRunIncrements |
| s_MailboxRuns          |
| s_ScheduledParameters  |
| s_ScheduledRecipients  |
| s_ScheduledReports     |
| s_ServerUsage          |
| s_Servers              |
| s_Severities           |
| t_Part                 |
| t_abook                |
| t_aclrights            |
| t_appuid               |
| t_audit_properties     |
| t_comments             |
| t_datetimeformats      |
| t_dbinfo               |
| t_dbinfoproperties     |
| t_dl                   |
| t_dlmembers            |
| t_document             |
| t_domains              |
| t_dscnt                |
| t_dsref                |
| t_engines              |
| t_exchobj              |
| t_folder               |
| t_group                |
| t_groupprops           |
| t_grpacl               |
| t_grpmembers           |
| t_grpuid               |
| t_handlers             |
| t_index                |
| t_intuid               |
| t_jobmembers           |
| t_joboptions           |
| t_jobs                 |
| t_languages            |
| t_message              |
| t_message_attachments  |
| t_message_properties   |
| t_message_recipients   |
| t_modopt               |
| t_modules              |
| t_msg_properties       |
| t_name                 |
| t_notify               |
| t_postoffices          |
| t_profiles             |
| t_recipient            |
| t_recipients           |
| t_recp_properties      |
| t_schedule             |
| t_scheduleoptions      |
| t_shared               |
| t_sql                  |
| t_uidbase              |
| t_user                 |
| t_useracl              |
| t_userproperties       |
| t_useruid              |
| t_uuid_mapping         |
| t_value                |
| t_workeropt            |
| t_workers              |

Additional Information

This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2616.