Retain 3.x
My jobs are running slowly and I'm not sure what the source of the bottleneck is. It could be my storage, my database, or the link between my email system and Retain. Is there a way to instruct Retain to request items from my email system without actually storing them in the Retain system?
Yes, there is a diagnostic setting you can set so that Retain will request and receive the items from the email system (or any other module - Blackberry, Android, etc) but will not store them (Just remember to turn this setting off when you're done testing or you will not get any new messages into Retain. I.E. do this at your own risk.):
1. Back up your Retain system.
2. Remove the Retention/Purge/Item Store flag options from your Profile or create a new profile that doesn't modify any of these flags.
3. Stop Tomcat.
4. (Windows only) Open up Notepad or Wordpad as Administrator.
5. Navigate to the configuration file:
Windows: C:\Program Files\beginfinite\retain\RetainServer\WEB-INF\classes\config
Linux: /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer/WEB-INF/classes/config
6. Open up misc.properties.
7. Find the line that reads developer=0.
8. Change it to read developer=16.
9. Save your changes.
10. Start Tomcat.
11. Launch a job.
Open the Worker web page and compare the Message Throughput with the previous jobs prior to the change. You will likely notice a slight increase in throughput speed; however, what would indicate that the issue is somewhere within the Retain system (disk I/O, database performance, etc) is a dramatic increase in throughput. If throughput prior to the setting change is 1.50, for example, then one should expect a throughput of 3.00 or greater if the issue is on the Retain server.
04 Nov, 2014 | pmetzler
It should be mentioned, that the job advances Retention Flags though! |