Retain 4
Can I delete my old indexes after completing the re-index in Retain 4.0?
Yes, you can delete your old indexes and they are no longer used after the re-index porcess has completed.
You can find the location of your indexes in your ASConfig file. In that file there will be a line that says your path: <indexPath>
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Beginfinite\retain\RetainServer\WEB-INF\cfg\ASConfig.cfg
- Linux: /opt/beginfinite/retain/RetainServer/WEB-INF/cfg/ASConfig.cfg
Once you find your index directory, be very careful! You can delete all of the files EXCEPT the solrhome directory, the zoo_data directory (This is not an essential directory, but you don't want to delete it while Retain is running.), and the log.1 file - these are part of the Retain 4 indexing system (see, "Retain 4 Index Migration Explained").
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2673.