Retain 3.x
Exchange 2013
Installing the OWA plugin doesn't go as expected based on the shipping documentation.
Follow these steps for proper installation.
The plugin must be installed onto your Exchange server.Special thanks to Eric Maughan for compiling this information.
Download the Retain install package to your Exchange server and extract it. Don't worry you are not going to install Retain here, just one bit of it.
In the Retain folder go to \tools\exchange\Outlook Web Access\tools and find Outlook Web Access Plugin Setup.exe
Double click to start the install process.
- It will ask what language to continue in.
- The installer will ask you to choose a file location for the plugin files. The default is C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15\ClientAccess\Owa\
- You will have to enter the Retain Server Web Address. This may be the IP address or DNS name. For example: or http://retain.gwava.com/RetainServer. It is not necessary to include the Tomcat port (for example: x.x.x.x:48080)
- You will then have to enter the Outlook Web Access Address. This is the IP or DNS name of your Exchange server. For example:
- You will then have the choice to restart IIS after the installation is complete. If you opt to not restart IIS, your users will not have access to the plugin until it is.
- Click on Install to have the plugin installed to your Exchange server.
- Click Close when it is complete.
Server Side Setup
- Once IIS completes the startup process log in to the Exchange Admin Center (https://[your exchange server]/ecp).
- Select Organization from the left sidebar.
- Select Apps from the pane top tab bar.
- Click the down-arrow next to the add + icon, and select 'Add from file'.
- Browse to the install location C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15\ClientAccess\Owa\Retain and select manifest.xml and Open.
- Click Next to install to the server, this will make it available for the users to install to their OWAs. If you double click the plugin you can set it to enabled or mandatory for the client.
Client Side Setup
- Log into the Outlook Web App (https://[yourserver]/owa) as a user.
- Click the gear icon near the top right next to your users name and select Manage apps...
- A list of apps available to the users will be listed. Notice that Retain App is available but disabled. Select the Retain app and in the right sidebar click the Enable link.
- Navigate back to your inbox with the right arrow or by clicking on your username and choosing My Mail.
- Browse to any message. Within the Viewer pane on the right or if you open the message in its own window, you will see a Retain link inside a grey bar.
- Clicking the link will reveal a Retain logo image and clicking on that will open a new window in the Retain archive.
Additional Information
This article was originally published in the GWAVA knowledgebase as article ID 2339.