- GWAV-1240 - Message tag docs
- GWAV-1772 - Update to Cyren AVSDK 5.4.30-r1
- GWAV-1589 - QMS control service
- GWAV-1779 - Update to latest ctengine version 8.01.00001
- Gwav-1775 - From address in QMS is not the same as GWVSMTP
- GWAV-1780 - Update to CTIPD 4.01.0000.1
- GWAV-1554 - Add Message Tracker to GWAVA 7
- GWAV-1793 - Add a log entry suggesting the cause of error when loading domains as being related to an invalid date being provided in the OU expiration date field
- Add validation check to expiry date input field in Manage Organizations page
- GWAV-1793 - Modify date to todays date when invalid
- GWAV-1767 - Fixed wording for message tracker service node
- The message tracker service was not correctly looking up filter information
- GWAV-1398 - Rework get_message_data.php for QMS and message tracker to better handle the creation of the JSON tables. This fixes the problem where some characters would break the JSON.