NetIQ Self Service Password Reset Appliance 4.x
Attempting to Register the Self Service Password Reset for online updates with a Registration Code & email address, fails for unknown reasons. Where can I go to look at a log of the registration process?
Here are the instructions on how to retrieve the log.
Use Putty to To retrieve this log over SSH, as follows:
1. Make sure SSH is enabled in the appliance console. Login to appliance console at ipaddress/DNSname:9443
Click on "System Services," verify that SSH is listed as "Running." If not, then highlight SSH and then click "Action" and select "Start."
2. Install Putty on a Windows workstation.
As of April 11, 2017, Putty can be downloaded from here:
3. Open a cmd window on the workstation. Change to the Putty installation folder:
cd C:\Program Files\PuTTY
4. Copy the file with pscp.exe using the following syntax - modified with your server name/ip address:
pscp root@servername.whatever.com:/var/opt/novell/va/logs/suse_register.log c:\temp\suse_register.log
(Note the space between the source file and destination file.)
For more details on using pscp.exe see the following link:
Use Putty to To retrieve this log over SSH, as follows:
1. Make sure SSH is enabled in the appliance console. Login to appliance console at ipaddress/DNSname:9443
Click on "System Services," verify that SSH is listed as "Running." If not, then highlight SSH and then click "Action" and select "Start."
2. Install Putty on a Windows workstation.
As of April 11, 2017, Putty can be downloaded from here:
3. Open a cmd window on the workstation. Change to the Putty installation folder:
cd C:\Program Files\PuTTY
4. Copy the file with pscp.exe using the following syntax - modified with your server name/ip address:
pscp root@servername.whatever.com:/var/opt/novell/va/logs/suse_register.log c:\temp\suse_register.log
(Note the space between the source file and destination file.)
For more details on using pscp.exe see the following link: