Where can I find the DNSDHCP management console files on an OES server

  • 7018841
  • 27-Apr-2017
  • 27-Apr-2017


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux


The DNSDHCP management console is not installed on my workstation.  Where can I get it?


- Open a web browser on your workstation
- Type the OES servers IP address in the URL field of the browser and hit the Enter key
- Select the Client Software tab
- Select the appropriate link for your workstations OS to download the management console
- Save the file and run it to install the console.

Additional Information

The links on the servers Client Software web page pull the DNSDHCP management console files from the following directory:


You can download the compressed file for your workstation OS, unzip it, and run the .exe.