Unable to load NAM IDP Login page or protected resources in iframes

  • 7018782
  • 05-Apr-2017
  • 06-Apr-2017


NetIQ Access Manager 4.3


Web applications which are loading NAM IDP login page or protected resources in iframes were working fine before upgrading to NAM 4.3. After the upgrade, when accessing the application, instead of redirecting to IDP for authentication you would get an error when accessing using Internet explorer:

“This content cannot be displayed in a frame”.

Accessing using Chrome or Firefox, renders a blank page. 

Ex: <p>  <iframe src="https://idp.microfocus.com:8443/nidp/app" height="200" width="500" ></iframe> </p>


If you have a single domain from where you want to load NAM IDP login page or protected resource in an iframe, then follow the below steps:

a.      Comment out the below section in /var/opt/novell/tomcat/webapps/nidp/WEB-INF/web.xml





b.      Modify antiClickJackingOption to add ALLOW-FROM parameter as below :







                   <param-value>URI that should be allowed/</param-value>



               Ex: https://app.microfocus.com:8643/


c.      Restart IDP by executing: /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart


If you have multiple domains from where you want to load NAM IDP login page or protected resource in an iframe, then follow the below steps:

a.      Disable httpHeaderSecurityFilter in /opt/novell/nids/lib/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml by commenting out the below section :






























b.      Disable httpHeaderSecurityFilter in /opt/novell/nam/idp/conf/web.xml by commenting out the below section AND


























c.      Set SameOriginFilter -> activate to “False” in /opt/novell/nids/lib/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml.



                <description>The NIDP server anti-clickjacking filter.This filter adds 'X-FRAME-OPTIONS: SAMEORIGIN'

                        header to http responses, and prevents cross domain framing of web pages as best as possible

                        depending on browser compatibility.</description>












d.      Restart IDP by executing: /etc/init.d/novell-idp restart


The configuration to prevent Clickjacking, XFS attacks has been enabled by default in NAM 4.3 and above. This prevents NAM pages to be loaded in frames.

Additional Information

As per https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7034, ALLOW-FROM doesn't support multiple domains.