Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
Novell GroupWise 2014
You want to know what influences a startup of gwadminservice on a GroupWise server.
1. If you start gwadminservice, it creates or updates gwadminservice.info file in /opt/Novell/GroupWise/admin directory. There are in this file typically instances listed (IP address and port) and at the bottom there is a pid of java -> that is what gwadminservice now uses.
2. A startup of gwadminservice reads gwha.conf file. If there are instances (domains / POs) listed, gwadminservice reads them and from each "/home" statement it knows where is a database to read from the IP address and admin port of that instance. That information is then also populated into the "info" file regardless whether or not you start this agent instance, i.e. also when you start gwadminservice only.
3. So now if you have some problems in gwha.conf file .. or it does not list any real instance, then the "info" file lists "default" instance and port 9710.
4. In that stage when you would start gwadmin console, https://<IP>:9710//gwadmin-console/login.jsp, it will be "redirected" into install mode, i.e. https://<IP>:9710/gwadmin-console/install/login.jsp
If you wish to re-create gwha.conf file, simply rename it into gwha.old (in /etc/opt/novell/groupwise) and then use gwsc tool to create new file with all instances that shall be run on the server, i.e.:
gwsc -i /<path to domain> ... for any domain MTA
gwsc -i /<path to domain>\wpgate\gwia ... for GWIA
gwsc -i /<path to PO> ... for any POA
gwsc -i -dva ... for a DVA