Linux Replication Fails - could not add partition ... to monitoring list: Could not load driver:...

  • 7018494
  • 17-Jan-2017
  • 09-Jun-2017


NetIQ PlateSpin Forge 3.x, 4.x, 11.x
NetIQ PlateSpin Migrate 9.x, 11.x, 12.x
NetIQ PlateSpin Protect 10.x, 11.x, 


An online Linux replication fails with the error, ERROR: "could not add partition ... to monitoring list: Could not load driver: ...".


Ensure the correct prerequisites are installed on the Linux source workload and rebuild the blkwatch.ko file on the Linux source workload according to 


The blkwatch.ko is compiled against a different kernel version than what is running on the source workload.

Additional Information

On, the source, go to the path specified in the error message for the blkwatch.ko. 
Run modinfo blkwatch.ko.
The vermagic should be the same as the kernel version of the source and should show the compiler name and version.
Trying to manually load the driver by running insmod blkwatch.ko or modprobe blkwatch.ko should produce an error. 
Dmesg should have a corresponding error, ERROR: "disagrees about version of symbol module_layout", which relates to not being able to load blkwatch.ko. 
Consult with the Linux source system administrator before trying to manually load blkwatch.ko.