NetIQ Certificate Access Plug-in task(s) are missing in iManager

  • 7018487
  • 12-Jan-2017
  • 13-Jan-2017


NetIQ iManager 2.7.7


NetIQ Certificate Access Plug-in task(s) are missing in iManager


  1. Login to iManager as admin
  2. Navigate to RBS Configuration:
    • Select Configure icon at the top of the window
    • Select Role Based Services
    • Select RBS Configuration
  3. Note the duplicate roles being displayed with different versions:
    • Select the Role Based Service hyper-link, NetIQ Certificate Access roles are showing twice with different versions i.e. 2.7.7 and 2.7.0
  4. Please delete the older duplicate role:
    • Select the checkbox for NetIQ Certificate Access with 2.7.0 version
    • Select Delete, as it is an old version | Select OK | Select OK on Complete page.
  5. Note the missing tasks for this role:
    • Select the Role Based Service hyperlink | Select the NetIQ Certificate Access 2.7.7 hyper link
    • Note that only one task is being displayed out of 3 expected tasks for this role.
    • Select Add | Assigned Tasks
    • Note that this shows only one task and the tasks are not been displayed from the drop-down list too.
  6. Uninstall the NetIQ Certificate Access plugin:
    • From the RBS configuration page, select the number-hyper-link from the Installed column for this RBS object
    • Select the checkbox for NetIQ Certificate Access | Select Uninstall | Select OK | Select OK on Complete page.
  7. Reinstall the NetIQ Certificate Access plugin:
    • Select the number-hyper-link from Not-installed column
    • Select the checkbox for NetIQ Certificate Access | Select Install | Select OK | Select OK on Complete page | Select Close 
  8. Verify all tasks are displaying properly:
    • Repeat Step 5 to verify that all the tasks are being displayed that should be displayed.
    • Exit from iManager and login as admin | Select NetIQ Certificate Access, all the tasks that belong to NetIQ Certificate Access role should be displayed.
Note: The above steps are applicable for all the roles in iManager.