Micro Focus Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux Support Pack 1
Micro Focus Cluster Services
Micro Focus Cluster Services
Following a migration from Open Enterprise Server 11 SP2, to Open Enterprise Server 2015 SP1, with no Active Directory integration in place, the following messages were encountered following a resource activation / migration on updated OES2015 SP1 cluster nodes :
novell-ad-util: This node has not joined domain. Can not do any cluster activity
novell-ad-util: Error:novell-ad-util failed to complete operation.
This message was a cause of concerns regarding environment stability and integrity.
This message was a cause of concerns regarding environment stability and integrity.
The solution to this issue is verifying if AD integration is configured, before trying to merge the keytab file /etc/krb5.keytab.
The problem has been resolved, and will be made publicly available in an upcoming Scheduled Maintenance release.
In case a PTF is required to address this issue in the interim, please contact Micro Focus technical support.
The problem has been resolved, and will be made publicly available in an upcoming Scheduled Maintenance release.
In case a PTF is required to address this issue in the interim, please contact Micro Focus technical support.
As part of processing "novcifs --add-virtual-sever" executed from cluster load script, novell-ad-util is invoked to do volume keytab file merging to default keytab.
Additional Information
novell-ad-util should exit immediately without any delay as there is no timeout/waiting by design. .
When NSS-AD is not configured, novell-ad-util should exit immediately.