Error "802.1X Authentication failed. An RPC error occurred." after Windows 10 update

  • 7018398
  • 19-Dec-2016
  • 19-Dec-2016


Client for Open Enterprise Server 2 SP4 (IR4)
802.1x authentication


After upgrading Windows 10 to Windows 10 Anniversary Update (Windows 10 Version 1607), the user sees the erorr:
Error: "802.1X Authentication failed. An RPC error occurred."

The NOVEAP log records messages like
[NOVEAP-0001-LogonUI-C98][15:57:17.482] NwEAPAuthenticate DoRPCConnect NOVEAP RPC server not running. (60 of 60 seconds elapsed)
[NOVEAP-0001-LogonUI-C98][15:57:17.482] NwEAPAuthenticate DoRPCConnect failed completely; error 1715.

Re-registering NOVEAP.DLL resolves the problem. 



The Microsoft Windows 10 upgrade process removes the "NovEAP" entry from the "netsvcs" REG_MULTI_SZ value under [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Svchost].