iPrint Appliance: Extended characters within email body print as junk characters

  • 7018319
  • 23-Nov-2016
  • 30-Nov-2016


iPrint Appliance 2.1 Patch 1


Email submitted print jobs which contain extended characters in the body, like German Umlauts (ÄÖÜöäüß ) or the Euro sign (€), shows invalid characters or square boxes when using the internal renderer.


  1. Access a terminal session as root
  2. Navigate to the fonts directory
    • cd /opt/novell/iprintmobile/fonts/
  3. Install the supported RPM files
    • rpm -ivh *.rpm
      • The RPM files are now installed on the iPrint server.
  4. Run the following script to retrieve the fonts
    • sh fetchmsttfonts-11.1-5.7.10-fetchmsttfonts.sh.txt
      • This script file exists on the server as a result of step 3.
      • The fonts are downloaded from Sourceforge and installed on your iPrint server.
  5. Restart mobile services:
    • rcnovell-iprint-mobile restart


The fonts necessary to display some extended are not installed be default on the server.

Additional Information

  1. If you send an email to print (email address of the printer/appliance) with German umlaut and euro sign (without changing the email charset), then square boxes are printed in place of the umlauts and Euro sign.
  2. If you send an email to print (email address of the printer/appliance) with German umlaut and Euro sign (changing email charset to 8859-1 latin ), the German umlauts print fine but not the Euro sign.
  3. If you forward an email to the printer email address using a rule, square boxes are printed for the Euro sign regardless  of the charset used and umlauts are printed as follows: A~A!.
  4. If you forward an email to the printer email address manually (using the forward button in the GroupWise client) square boxes are printed for umlauts and Euro sign if printer charset is not set to 8859-1 Latin.  Umlauts print fine if the charset is set to 8859-1, but the Euro sign prints incorrectly.
The above scenarios apply to both html and plain text formatted emails.