NetIQ SecureLogin
NSL 8.x
How to migrate user data from one SecureLogin datastore to another
Backing up and restoring SecureLogin user data with slaptool
NSL Utilities for migrating user credentials and settings
How to save user information with NSL
Three utilities are available for migrating SecureLogin user data from one environment to another.
1. The backup and restore options under the "advanced" menu from the SecureLogin system tray utility. https://www.netiq.com/documentation/securelogin-85/administration_guide/data/b9p5xf7.html
2. slMigrationHelper.exe. https://www.netiq.com/documentation/securelogin-81/administration_guide/data/b16xhnzw.html
3. slAPTool.exe. https://www.netiq.com/documentation/securelogin-81/administration_guide/data/b9p6vch.html
This article describes a method for using slAPTool to backup and restore user data for SecureLogin. slAPTool.exe is included with the SecureLogin installation files in the directory ...\SecureLoginTools\Administration\Provision Tools. Slaptool with the associated switches can be run from a batch file, cmd file, login script, or otherwise pushed out to workstations.
To backup user data, run the following slaptool command (change "MyPassword" to the desired value. The password needs to be at least 8 characters):
slaptool.exe -e -a -s -P -E MyPassword -f -S "%USERPROFILE%"\backup.esx >>"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1
This will create a file called backup.esx file in the users directory (e.g. C:\Users\<username>). It will also create a backup.log file in the same directory that will show any errors.
To restore user data, run this command (change the password to match the one used for backing up):
slaptool.exe -E MyPassword -f -S "%USERPROFILE%"\backup.esx >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1
Restart SecureLogin as the user.
Detail of switches used for backup operation:
-e ---> Performs an export rather than an import.
-a ---> Excludes applications.
-s ---> Excludes settings.
-P ---> Exclude Passphrase.
-E LongPassword ---> Encrypt with "LongPassword"
-f ---> Use the current user, allow inclusion of password credentials. .
-S ---> Include passwords.
Detail of switches used for restore operation:
-E LongPassword ---> Decrypt with "LongPassword."
-f ---> Use the current user.
-S ---> Include passwords.
slAPTool syntax switches: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/securelogin-81/administration_guide/data/b9p6wix.html
SecureLogin Startup Scripts can be used to determine whether to run the slAppTool backup or restore command.
Additional Information
REM Version 1.2 of backup scriptREM Jan 9th 2012 - Novell - gmorrisEcho offEcho "Performing backup of SecureLogin user data"REM This cmd file is to backup user credentia data excluding passphrase, settings, and applicationsREG DELETE HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin /v BackupStatus /f >>"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1Date /t >"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1Time /t >>"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1slaptool.exe -e -a -s -P -E %1 -f -S "%USERPROFILE%"\backup.esx >>"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1REG ADD HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin /v BackupStatus /t REG_DWORD /d %ERRORLEVEL% /f >>"%USERPROFILE%"\backup.log 2>&1Exit
REM Version 1.2 of restore scriptREM Jan 9th 2012 - Novell - gmorrisREM This cmd file is to restore user credential dataEcho offEcho "Performing restore of SecureLogin user data"REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin /v RestoreStatus /f >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1Date /t >"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1Time /t >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1slaptool.exe -E %1 -f -S "%USERPROFILE%"\backup.esx >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1REG ADD HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin /v RestoreStatus /t REG_DWORD /d %ERRORLEVEL% /f >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin /v BackupStatus /f >>"%USERPROFILE%"\restore.log 2>&1Exit
"Back up" Startup Script:
############ Startup application to automatically backup user data# Users credential data is stored in the users profile directory# Data is stored in an encrypted XML file# Encryption key is derived from ?syspassword with a zero character added. If password is less then# 8 characters long then additional zeros are added until length equals or exceeds 8 characters in length.# This script calls backup.cmd which should be placed into the folder c:\program files\novell\securelogin# This script will backup user data on each load of the NSL client. This ensures that latest information has been captured.## Script version 1.0 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Aug 11th 2011 - Initial Release# Script version 1.1 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Aug 14th 2011 - Added error handling# Script version 1.2 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Jan 9th 2012 - Modified for use with new version of slaptool############# Check to make sure we are onlineGetDirectoryStatus ?statusIf ?status eq "offline"MessageBox "We are offline and cannot perform a backup of the user data."EndscriptEndif# Build the password variableStrcat ?userpass ?syspassword "0"# Password to encrypt must be at least 8 characters longRepeatStrLength ?Length ?userpassif ?Length Gt 7breakEndifStrCat ?userpass ?userpass "0"EndRepeat# Run slaptool to perform the backupRun "c:\program files\novell\securelogin\backup.cmd" ?userpassSet ?loopctr 0Repeat# Add a .5 second delay to let the backup process complete.Delay 500# Check status of the backup process## Not present - No previous backup attempted# 0 - Last backup successful# non-zero - Last backup failedGetReg "HKCU\SoftWare\Protocom\SecureLogin\BackupStatus" ?backupstatus## Check for success#If ?backupstatus Eq 0MessageBox "Backup of user data completed successfully."EndscriptEndif## Check for errors#If ?backupstatus Gt 0MessageBox "The backup process has failed with error (" ?backupstatus "). Please contact the help desk."EndScriptEndif## The loopctr value can be changed to limit the amount of time the script will try to complete the backup.# Default value of loopctr is 10 x .5 seconds (Max 5 seconds)# If backup does not complete in this time then user will be displayed a message.#Increment ?loopctrif ?loopctr Gt 10MessageBox "Backup process has taken too long to complete. Would you like to continue to wait?" -YesNo ?Resultif ?Result Eq "Yes"Set ?loopctr 0elseEndScriptEndifEndifEndRepeat# End of Startup script to backup user data
"Restore" start up script
############# Startup application to restore user data# Users credential data is stored in the users profile directory# Data is stored in an encrypted XML file# Encryption key is derived from ?syspassword with a zero character added. If password is less then# 8 characters long then additional zeros are added until length equals or exceeds 8 characters in length.# This script calls restore.cmd which should be placed into the folder c:\program files\novell\securelogin# This script will only execute if the registry key HKCU\Software\Protocom\SecureLogin\BackupStatus is set to 0 (zero)# Script version 1.0 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Aug 11th 2011 - initial release# Script version 1.1 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Aug 14th 2011 - added error processing# Script version 1.2 - Greg Morris (Novell) - Jan 9th 2013 - Modified for new version of slaptool############# Get the status of backup operation from registry# HKCU/Software/Protocom/SecureLogin## Status codes:# Not present - No backup has been attempted. Do nothing.# 0 - Last backup was a success. Perform restore operation.# Non-Zero value - Last backup failed (exit code of slaptool failure. See file backup.log for details of error.)GetReg "HKCU\SoftWare\Protocom\SecureLogin\BackupStatus" ?backupstatusIf ?backupstatus Eq <NOTSET>#MessageBox "No backup to process"EndScriptEndifIf ?backupstatus Gt 0MessageBox "The backup process encountered an error. Error Code (" ?backupstatus ") Please contact the helpdesk."EndScriptEndif# Check to make sure we are onlineGetDirectoryStatus ?statusIf ?status eq "offline"MessageBox "We are offline and cannot perform a restore of the user data. Please login again to re-attempt this operation."EndscriptEndif# If we get to here then a successful backup is present and needs to be processed.# We will first try the current syspassword value, if this fails then the user will be prompted.Set ?pwd ?syspassword# Loop so that we can process failed restore sessionRepeat# The backup routine always adds a zero character to the end of the users passwordStrcat ?pwd ?pwd "0"# Password to encrypt must be at least 8 characters longRepeatStrLength ?Length ?pwdif ?Length Gt 7breakEndifStrCat ?pwd ?pwd "0"EndRepeat# Run slaptool to perform the restoreRun c:\progra~1\novell\securelogin\restore.cmd ?pwd# Counter for our repeat loop. Need to acquire restore status.Set ?loopctr 0Repeat# Add a little delay to let the restore process complete.Delay 500# Check status of the restore process## Not present - No previous restore attempted# 0 - Last restore successful# non-zero - Last restore failedGetReg "HKCU\SoftWare\Protocom\SecureLogin\RestoreStatus" ?restorestatus# Check for successIf ?restorestatus Eq 0MessageBox "Restore of user data completed successfully."EndscriptEndif# Check for incorrect password to decrypt XML fileIf ?restorestatus Eq 4294967295MessageBox "The last restore attempt failed due to an incorrect password. Would you like to try again?" -YesNo ?tryagainIf ?tryagain Eq "Yes"# Prompt the user to enter their eDirectory password.ChangePassword ?pwd "Please enter your network password."ElseMessageBox "Restore of user data was aborted by user"EndscriptEndifBreakEndifIncrement ?loopctrif ?loopctr Gt 10MessageBox "Restore process has taken too long to complete. Would you like to continue processing?" -YesNo ?ResultIf ?Result Eq "Yes"Set ?loopctr 0ElseEndScriptEndifEndifEndRepeatEndRepeat# End of Startup script to restore user data