NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.8
Using the GPA Client interface it is possible to locate the version of client and repository that the client using for GPA operations. This information can be useful when troubleshooting issues with GPA. It can also be used to compare the installed version of GPA to the most current version listed on the Microfocus Support Website. The following link will provide details of our current supported version of GPA https://www.netiq.com/Support/versionsupport.asp#GPA .
The GPA client known as the Group Policy Administrator Console provides a method to determine the client version, server version and repository version.
To locate the GPA Console version:
Use the Help/About to locate the version.
To locate the GPA Repository Version:
Use the right click menu on the top level repository Node to locate the properties menu
The properties men will display the GPA Repository Version, service pack and any applied hotfixes
To locate the GPA Server Version
From the GPA Console right click on the repository server name and choose properties
From the repository properties, choose the GPA Server tab
Once in the GPA Server tab, click the configure GPA Server button
The configure GPA Server button will display the GPA server configuration details which include the GPA Repository version.
The GPA console is stored in the Windows Registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\NetIQ\GPA
The GPA Server version is stored in the Windows Registry under:
The GPA Repository version is stored in the SQL Database named GPA_Repository
The fa_rep_properties table will list the database version.