How to tell which version of Security manager is in use

  • 7018212
  • 31-Oct-2016
  • 18-Nov-2016


Standard Security Manager installation and configuration.


How to find the current installed version of security manager installed.


To get the version number as well as the current revision value use regedit to check the value under the security manager registration keys.

Windows 64 Bit OS

Hkey_Local_Machine>software>Wow6432node>Netiq>Security Manager
On the right side of the screen look under the serviceversion key and it will have the value of the current installed version.

Windows 32 Bit OS

Hkey_Local_Machine>software>Netiq>Security Manager
On the right side of the screen look under the serviceversion key and it will have the value of the current installed version.

With later versions of security manager it is also possible to get the the version by opening the control center, opening the help menu on the tool bar, and opening about security manager.