Compressed archives (.zip and .cab files) are downloaded for offline availability when browsing the Filr area.

  • 7018138
  • 11-Oct-2016
  • 24-Mar-2017


Novell Filr 2.0 Desktop Client for Windows
Micro Focus Filr 3.0 Desktop Client for Windows
Micro Focus Filr 3.1 Desktop Client for Windows
Microsoft Windows 7
Microsoft Windows 8
Microsoft Windows 10


While Browsing the Filr data area, compressed archives (like .zip and .cab files) are made available offline regardless of the file being opened or marked to be made available offline.
Especially opening folders or browsing beyond folders that contain these compressed archives causes these to be downloaded.


Micro Focus Filr Engineering team is made aware of this and are looking into this matter.

As a workaround you can disable the Explorer Folder View of Cab and Zip Files in Windows.
This can be achieved by creating a .reg file, containing:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00





(Note: observe to start with a  '-'  sign, meaning the registry keys will be deleted).

Save the file, and import it into the registry of the affected workstation.
After that the workstation must be restarted to activate the change.

Alternatively, you can execute regedit.exe and manually delete the mentioned keys.


The Explorer Folder View of Cab and Zip Files lists the compressed archives as if they were folders in the left hand pane. This causes 'explorer.exe' to scan the contents of these files, which triggers a download of these files. Currently this is expected behavior since this is the way the Filr 2.0 Desktop Client works.

'Explorer.exe' could also be blacklisted, but this would cause a warning for each compressed archive that is browsed, until the Filr client is to be configured to suppress these errors.

Additional Information

Credits for this workaround : sevenforums
On this page there is more detailed information on the Explorer Folder View of Cab and Zip Files.