Replication Fails at Sending Files Step Before Snapshots are Taken

  • 7018136
  • 10-Oct-2016
  • 11-Nov-2016


NetIQ PlateSpin Forge 3.x, 4.x, 11.x
NetIQ PlateSpin Migrate 11.x, 12.x
NetIQ PlateSpin Protect 10.x, 11.x


When rerunning a replication for a Windows workload after a previous failed attempt, the job fails at the sub step Sending Files with the message ERROR: "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process". 


  1. Open a command prompt on the source workload. 
  2. In the command prompt, go to C:\Program Files (x86)\PlateSpin Migrate Server\Controller (for 64 bit workloads) or C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Migrate Server\Controller  (for 32 bit systems).
  3. Run this command: ofxcontroller.exe /uninstall
  4. On the source workload, in Task Manager's Processes tab, locate the process named PlateSpin.Athens.SnapshotExecution.exe and end that process. 
  5. Delete the C:\Program Files (x86)\PlateSpin Migrate Server\ (for 64 bit workloads) or C:\Program Files\PlateSpin Migrate Server\ (for 32 bit workloads) directory on the source workload.
  6. Restart the replication job.


In this situation, the PlateSpin.Athens.SnapshotExecution.exe is still running and needs to be stopped in order for the contents of the controller to be extracted on the source workload.