Upgrading Vibe 3.4 to 4.x while running Oracle 11g database

  • 7018071
  • 19-Sep-2016
  • 23-Sep-2016


Novell Vibe 4.0.2
Novell Vibe 4.0.1


After upgrading from 3.4 to 4.0.1 (or newer) when using Oracle 11g as the database, the post-upgrade task to re-index the search fails and the following error is logged in the appserver.log file:

WARN  [Sitescape_Worker-2] [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] - SQL Error: 17401, SQLState: 99999
ERROR [Sitescape_Worker-2] [org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter] - Protocol violation: [ 0, ]
ERROR [Sitescape_Worker-2] [org.kablink.teaming.jobs.DefaultBinderReindex] - Error reindexing (binder 49138)


ODBC driver that is compatible with Oracle 11g will need to be used prior to starting Vibe after upgrade.

Vibe 4.0.x ships with a Oracle 12c JDBC (ojdbc7.jar) driver for the Oracle database. This driver does NOT seem to work with Oracle 11g and must be replaced with an older Oracle JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar) to Work with Oracle 11g database. Please contact Support to obtain a copy of the older JDBC driver (ojdbc6.jar).

1. DELETE ojdbc7.jar file from <tomcat>/lib/ext (On linux by default the <tomcat> directory is the /opt/novell/teaming/apache-tomcat)
2. Drop  in ojdbc6.jar in the same folder(<tomcat>/lib/ext).

  1. ojdbc7.jar file must be deleted or moved outside the <tomcat>/lib file area completely before dropping ojdbc6.jar. Renaming the file to anything else or moving to another location inside the <tomcat>/lib area is not enough.
  2. These step must be performed prior to starting Vibe 4.0.x after the upgrade. They may be run before or after running the "Vibe database upgrade" steps (https://www.novell.com/documentation/vibe4/vibe4_inst/data/b1e6kl1a.html) as given in in the Vibe 4.0.x Installation Guide.