Saving MindManager mmap files into Filr causes a permissions or disk space error

  • 7018067
  • 19-Sep-2016
  • 20-Sep-2016


Novell Filr 2.0
Novell Filr Desktop client 2.0


User tries to save MindManager (.mmap) files directly into Filr Desktop client but the operation fails with an error about no permission or no more disk space on the drive. However, disk space or permissions is not an issue. User states that saving from other applications such as MS Word or Excel works fine.

The error thrown (in German and translated to English is):

Speichern des dokuments fehlgeschlagen
Die datei is entweder schreibgeschutzt reicht nicht mehr aus, oder sie haben keine rechte, auf die datei zuzugreifen.

Saving the document failed
The file is either read-only or insufficient storage, or you do not have rights to access the file


A fix for this issue is available in the Filr 2.0 Hot Patch 3, available via the Novell Patch Finder.