Does DRA support a mixed version MMS

  • 7017969
  • 22-Aug-2016
  • 29-Aug-2016


Directory and Resource Administrator 8.6.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 8.7.x
Directory and Resource Administrator 9.0.x


The NetIQ Directory and Resource Administrator application currently supports an upgrade to the base version from certain previous base or base plus service pack versions. The technical ability exists to have a Multi Master Set (MMS) containing different versions of DRA Servers. The DRA Server configured to be the Primary for the MMS must be at the same or newer version than other secondary servers sharing the same MMS configuration data. By default the MMS configuration data is synced between all DRA servers on a set schedule. If the MMS data contains features not currently known by the legacy DRA servers, the Secondary Server could fail to start the DRA Administration Service.


As of DRA 9.0.2 , it is recommended that the DRA MMS Sync process be disabled until all DRA Servers are at the same version. When this occurs any changes to the DRA Application configuration; such as Active Views, Add / Remove managed Domains, Polices or other configuration changes will not replicate to secondary Servers. Once the MMS sync is re-enabled, this configuration data will replicate out to all secondary DRA Servers.


Most new base versions of DRA introduce new features and settings, which are stored within the MMS configuration data. Newer versions and service packs of DRA can also introduce new schema updates to the Microsoft Light Weight Directory Services instance running on the Primary DRA server as well. The DRA Application configuration is stored in both the MMS settings within the Windows Registry and also the LDS instances. During an MMS sync the MMS data stored in the Primary DRA server's registry is copied to the secondary DRA servers, and then imported into their local Windows Registry. There are times when the DRA Service (NetIQ Administration Service) on legacy version of is unable to correctly process some of the newer MMS configuration. When this occurs, the service may fail to start or restart unexpectedly.

Additional Information

The MMS sync schedule does not affect the Accounts cache update needed for AD Administration. With the MMS sync disabled, the DRA configuration of the secondary server(s) will remain unchanged until the schedule is re-enabled. All settings and active view configration in place before disabling the sync will remain unchanged on all secondary server(s). The only changes that will NOT replicate out are changes to the application made AFTER the sync is disabled. Any changes to AD objects made on DRA Server, or outside of DRA; will still sync between each DRA server and AD directly.

An example of mixed version MMS could be Primary DRA 9.0.2 Server and Secondary DRA 8.6.2 Severs.