NetIQ Privileged Account Manager
While trying to create a SSH Account Domain (Linux, UNIX) in the Enterprise Credential Vault, user is presented with an error dialog: No Module Available.
The following is reported in the unifid.log: Debug, Module not found: sshagnt
Framework Manager is running on Windows Server
Manager missing the sshagnt module package in the Hosts Console | Packages
Unable to install the SSH Agent module (sshagnt) to the Windows Host
Can SSH-Relay be setup on a Windows framework manager?
The following is reported in the unifid.log: Debug, Module not found: sshagnt
Framework Manager is running on Windows Server
Manager missing the sshagnt module package in the Hosts Console | Packages
Unable to install the SSH Agent module (sshagnt) to the Windows Host
Can SSH-Relay be setup on a Windows framework manager?
To create SSH type Account Domains, the sshagnt module is required. Unfortunately, it's not possible to install this module on a Windows Manager server. Therefore, it is recommended to run a Framework Manager on a Linux/UNIX host where the SSH Agent (sshagnt module) is already available or can be installed. This issue can be resolved if a Linux PAM Manager is added.
Windows Framework Manager unable to have the sshagnt module installed.