How to get a Fiddler trace to debug NAM/Vibe SSL handshake issues

  • 7017902
  • 01-Aug-2016
  • 01-Aug-2016


Novell Vibe 4.x
Novell Vibe 3.x


When Vibe is configured to work with NAM and a SSL handshake error occurs which looks something like this:

"The proxy server could not handle the request GET /".

Please capture a Fiddler trace and obtain debug level NAM logs using the directions below and attach them to your Service Request (SR).


1. Download Fiddler from on a Windows machine and install it with default options.

2. Login to the Access Manager (NAM) Access Gateway (MAG) as admin.

3. Go to ‘Advanced Options’ under ‘Vibe’ Reverse Proxy (RP) and add the following option.
LogLevel debug

4. Update Access Gateway so that the status shows as “Current”.

5. Using Putty tool, connect to the MAG server.
Issue these commands
mkdir /tmp/capture-vibelogs
cd /tmp/capture-vibelogs
tailf /var/log/novell-apache2/error_log > /tmp/capture-vibelogs/issue_error_log_1
6. Open a second Putty terminal to the MAG server.
Issue these commands
cd /tmp/capture-vibelogs
tcpdump -i any -s0 -w issue_tcpdump.cap
7. Open the browser, clear the cookies to have a fresh session

8. Start Fiddler (it will automatically start capturing traffic).

9. On fiddler ensure that  Tools>>Telerik Fiddler Options>>HTTPS(TAB)>>Capture HTTPS CONNECTs & Decrypt HTTPS traffic is checked.

10. Go to your browser and try to access Vibe  through NAM to recreate the problem.

11. Save Fiddler session to a file fiddler1.saz on desktop

12. Stop captures on Putty started in Steps 5 & 6 (CTRL + C)

13. On MAC server issue these commands:
cd /tmp
tar -zcvf server-side.tar.gz capture-vibelogs/*
14. Send us /tmp/server-side.tar.gz file from server and fiddler1.saz  file from desktop.