PlateSpin Migrate 9.3, 11.x. 12.x
PlateSpin Protect 10.4, 11.xPlateSpin Forge 4.0, 11.x
default, PlateSpin selects automatically the NIC type for target virtual
machines (VMs), based on the model of hypervisor and workload OS.
However some configurations may require a specific type of NIC.
This article discusses how to change the default NIC type used for the target virtual machines hosted on ESX and Hyper-V.
There are 3 settings that may be edited on the PlateSpin server:
- “PreferredVMwareNicAdapter”:
preferred virtual network adapter type for newly created VMs on VMware ESX.
Possible values are: vmxnet3, vmxnet2, E1000, vlance, default. Default means
that selection will be made based on the model of hypervisor and workload OS.
- “PreferredHyperVNetworkAdapter”:
preferred virtual network adapter type for newly created VMs on Hyper-V Server.
Possible values are: synthetic, legacy, default. Default means that selection
will be made based on the Workload OS and Target Virtual Machine type. This is for target VM, once data
copy step completes and target VM boots into its own OS and network adapter
type would be controlled by this.
- “PreferredHyperVTakeControlNetworkAdapter”:
Set preferred virtual network adapter type for Target take control. Possible values are: synthetic, legacy, default. Default means that selection will be made based on the Workload OS and Target Virtual Machine type. This is while the target vm is under PlateSpin control during replication. This will set the network adapter type.
To edit these settings:
- Open
up a web browser and launch URL https://[PlateSpin_hostname_or_IP]/platespinconfigration
- In the Search bar, search for “preferredVMwareNicAdapter”, “PreferredHyperVNetworkAdapter”, or “PreferredHyperVTakeControlNetworkAdapter"
- Click on Edit and change the value to one of the choices listed
- Save the changes
The following below shows the settings that each Product uses:
PlateSpin Migrate 12.1:
- PreferredVMwareNicAdapter- PreferredHyperVTakeControlNetworkAdapter
- PreferredHyperVNetworkAdapter
PlateSpin Migrate 11.1 and 12.0:
- PreferredHyperVNetworkAdapter
- PreferredVMwareNicAdapter
PlateSpin Migrate 9.3 and 11.0:
- PreferredVMwareNicAdapter
PlateSpin Protect 10.4 and above:
- PreferredVMwareNicAdapter
PlateSpin Forge 4.0 and above:
- PreferredVMwareNicAdapter