Diagnosing VMware Role Based Permission Issues in Platespin Products

  • 7017801
  • 01-Jul-2016
  • 20-Mar-2017


PlateSpin Migraten 12.x
PlateSpin Protect 11.x


Errors produced by PlateSpin Migrate and/or Migrate suggest an issue with the role based permissions as configured on the VMware server or a VMware administrator wants to verify that existing Roles have the proper privileges assigned.


Use the PlateSpin VMware role tool to determine which privileges should be modified or create a roles as required.

Tool Execution

After extracting the tool from the zip archive, execute the following command using the suggested parameters:

PlateSpinRoleTool.exe /host=[ip address] /user=root /role=PlateSpinRole.xml /interactive

Parameter Explanation:

/host – IP address of the VMWare Server
/user – User name of an administrator account. 
/role -  File name of the file that provides the role's permissions. Use the PlateSpinRole.xml file unless you are advised to use a different file.
/interactive – Runs the command shell for the tool. This is the recommended option for running the tool as provides a menu to execute various options within a single execution of the tool.
/help – Displays information on additional parameters not described here.

Tool Menu

The tool menu contains two the top level options when ran in interactive mode (/interactive). These are Select a PlateSpin Role and Display Server Defined Privileges.

Figure 1. PlateSpin  Role Tool top level menu

Under Select a PlateSpin Role, menu options for each of the PlateSpin roles are displayed. The roles are:

PlateSpin Virtual Machine Manager
PlateSpin Virtual Infrastructure Manager
PlateSpin User

Figure 2. PlatesSpin Role Menu

Once a specific PlateSpin role has been selected, you are presented with options that consist of:

Create Role -  This option will create the selected role with the required permissions listed in the PlatespinRole.xml file.
Compare with existing Role – This options will allow you to verify if an existing role is compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.
List existing compatible Roles – This option will display a list of all existing roles roles that are compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.