PlateSpin Migraten 12.x
PlateSpin Protect 11.x
PlateSpin Protect 11.x
Errors produced by PlateSpin Migrate and/or Migrate suggest an issue
with the role based permissions as configured on the VMware server or
a VMware administrator wants to verify that existing Roles have the
proper privileges assigned.
Use the PlateSpin VMware role tool to determine which privileges
should be modified or create a roles as required.
Tool Execution
After extracting the tool from the zip archive, execute the following command using the suggested parameters:
PlateSpinRoleTool.exe /host=[ip address] /user=root /role=PlateSpinRole.xml /interactive
Parameter Explanation:
/host – IP address of the VMWare Server
/user – User name of an administrator account.
/role - File name of the file that provides the role's permissions. Use the PlateSpinRole.xml file unless you are advised to use a different file.
/interactive – Runs the command shell for the tool. This is the recommended option for running the tool as provides a menu to execute various options within a single execution of the tool.
/help – Displays information on additional parameters not described here.
Tool Menu
The tool menu contains two the top level options when ran in interactive mode (/interactive). These are Select a PlateSpin Role and Display Server Defined Privileges.
Under Select a PlateSpin Role, menu options for each of the PlateSpin roles are displayed. The roles are:
PlateSpin Virtual Machine Manager
PlateSpin Virtual Infrastructure Manager
PlateSpin User
Once a specific PlateSpin role has been selected, you are presented with options that consist of:
Create Role - This option will create the selected role with the required permissions listed in the PlatespinRole.xml file.
Compare with existing Role – This options will allow you to verify if an existing role is compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.
List existing compatible Roles – This option will display a list of all existing roles roles that are compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.
Tool Execution
After extracting the tool from the zip archive, execute the following command using the suggested parameters:
PlateSpinRoleTool.exe /host=[ip address] /user=root /role=PlateSpinRole.xml /interactive
Parameter Explanation:
/host – IP address of the VMWare Server
/user – User name of an administrator account.
/role - File name of the file that provides the role's permissions. Use the PlateSpinRole.xml file unless you are advised to use a different file.
/interactive – Runs the command shell for the tool. This is the recommended option for running the tool as provides a menu to execute various options within a single execution of the tool.
/help – Displays information on additional parameters not described here.
Tool Menu
The tool menu contains two the top level options when ran in interactive mode (/interactive). These are Select a PlateSpin Role and Display Server Defined Privileges.
Figure 1. PlateSpin Role Tool top level menu
Under Select a PlateSpin Role, menu options for each of the PlateSpin roles are displayed. The roles are:
PlateSpin Virtual Machine Manager
PlateSpin Virtual Infrastructure Manager
PlateSpin User
Figure 2. PlatesSpin Role Menu
Once a specific PlateSpin role has been selected, you are presented with options that consist of:
Create Role - This option will create the selected role with the required permissions listed in the PlatespinRole.xml file.
Compare with existing Role – This options will allow you to verify if an existing role is compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.
List existing compatible Roles – This option will display a list of all existing roles roles that are compatible with the selected PlateSpin Role.