"HTTP Status 417: Expectation Failed" while moving files from GroupWise 2014 Client to Novell Vibe

  • 7017794
  • 30-Jun-2016
  • 30-Jun-2016


Novell Vibe 4.0.1


When Vibe integration is enabled in the GroupWise 2014 R2 windows client with Vibe 4.0.1 and the customer moves a message that is between 60 to 100K in size to the Vibe folder they get the error - "HTTP Status 417: Expectation Failed" while moving e-mail messages from GroupWise 2014 Client to Novell Vibe folder.  This problem only occurs when the Vibe server is protected with NetIQ Access Manager.


The reporting engineer has duplicate the issue and this issue has been reported to Vibe development in the form of  defect.