User's email address or account name is changed almost immediately to the wrong email address on iOS devices

  • 7017763
  • 22-Jun-2016
  • 22-Jun-2016


Novell GroupWise 2014
Novell GroupWise Message Transfer Agent
Novell GroupWise Mobility Service 2014 R2 (build 279)


User account's primary email address or account name changes / switches to the wrong user's email address on the device
The email address is changed for all user accounts using iOS devices (iPhones, iPads)
Other user accounts on Android and BlackBerry devices have no problem (their email addresses are correct)
The same account will work on Android / BlackBerry and not work on iOS devices
The primary email address is updated to the first user, alphabetically, in the Post Office (PO) they belong to
Setting up an account on an iOS device will show the email address change from: (the correct email configured on the device) to, almost immediately after provisioning the account on the device.
When sending an email from the account on the device, the recipient will receive the mail, the From field will show the correct userid, but associated with the wrong email address: "user <>"
GMS has been configured to use a GroupWise 2014 R2 LDAP Server / Directory

The device sends a 'Settings' Cmd request to Mobility, and the following Mobility server response can be found in /var/log/datasync/connectors/mobility-agent.log, showing the server is providing the device this attribute change (see Cause section for an explanation):
2016-06-20 11:48:55.680 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:125] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] !!!Response = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Settings xmlns="Settings:"><Status>1</Sta
tus><UserInformation><Status>1</Status><Get><Accounts><Account><EmailAddresses><PrimarySmtpAddress></PrimarySmtpAddress></EmailAddresses></Account></Accounts></Get></UserInformation><DeviceInformation xmlns="Settings:"><Status>1</Status></DeviceInformation></Settings>


At the time of writing this document, a fix has not yet been publicly released; however, a fix should be available for a GMS 14.2.0 server. Until this is made publicly available in a later release, please contact Technical Support for the fix.


iOS devices will send an additional 'Settings' Cmd, requesting a validation of the settings from the Mobility server. If GroupWise Mobility Server (GMS) is configured to use an LDAP server. Mobility will request the user's mail attribute via their LDAP server. In this case, the LDAP server is a GroupWise 2014 R2 LDAP Server / Directory (see Setting Up an LDAP Directory with GroupWise) and thus the ldap response is incorrect. Mobility will use the first email in this response, which happens to be the first user in the PO rather than the requested user's email attribute.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

GMS has been configured to LDAP Provisioning and Authentication and the LDAP server is a GroupWise 2014 R2 LDAP Server / Directory (see Setting Up an LDAP Directory with GroupWise).

The device sends a 'Settings' Cmd request to Mobility, and the following response can be found in /var/log/datasync/connectors/mobility-agent.log, showing the server is providing the device this attribute change:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Settings xmlns="Settings:"><UserInformation><Get/></UserInformation><DeviceInformation><Set><Model>iPhone7C2</Model><OS>iOS 10.0 14A5261v</OS><UserAgent>iOS/10.0 (14A5261v) dataaccessd/1.0</UserAgent><FriendlyName>iPhone 6</FriendlyName><OSLanguage>en-US</OSLanguage></Set></DeviceInformation></Settings>
2016-06-20 11:48:55.511 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:85] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] !!!element.localName = Settings
2016-06-20 11:48:55.512 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:88] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] property.localName = UserInformation
2016-06-20 11:48:55.512 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:148] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] In _handleUserInfo()
2016-06-20 11:48:55.678 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:88] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] property.localName = DeviceInformation
2016-06-20 11:48:55.678 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:23] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] In handleDeviceInfo()
2016-06-20 11:48:55.678 INFO [Device_Thread-19] [settings:43] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] Setting DeviceInfo to <Model>iPhone7C2</Model><OS>iOS 10.0 14A5261v</OS><UserAgent>iOS/10.0 (14A
5261v) dataaccessd/1.0</UserAgent><FriendlyName>iPhone 6</FriendlyName><OSLanguage>en-US</OSLanguage>
2016-06-20 11:48:55.680 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [settings:125] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] !!!Response = <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><Settings xmlns="Settings:"><Status>1</Sta
tus><UserInformation><Status>1</Status><Get><Accounts><Account><EmailAddresses><PrimarySmtpAddress></PrimarySmtpAddress></EmailAddresses></Account></Accounts></Get></UserInformation><DeviceInformation xmlns="Settings:"><Status>1</Status></DeviceInformation></Settings>
2016-06-20 11:48:55.681 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [mcagent:220] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] deviceOSFromInfo - devType = iPhone, osVer = iOS 10.0
2016-06-20 11:48:55.681 INFO [Device_Thread-19] [DeviceInterface:1194] [userID:cn=iphone,ou=Portland-PO,ou=EC_CORP,o=EC_GRPWSE] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Server] Settings ended
2016-06-20 11:48:55.682 DEBUG [Device_Thread-19] [DeviceInterface:1410] [userID:] [eventID:] [objectID:] [] !!!Time to compress = 0:00:00.000129
2016-06-20 11:48:55.682 INFO [Device_Thread-19] [DeviceInterface:1278] [userID:cn=iphone,ou=Portland-PO,ou=EC_CORP,o=EC_GRPWSE] [eventID:] [objectID:] [Server] start - 2016-06-20 11:48:55.511588
 finish - 2016-06-20 11:48:55.682436