Failed to get web server health

  • 7017728
  • 15-Jun-2016
  • 25-Jul-2017


NetIQ Access Manager 4.2
NetIQ Access Manager 4.3
RHEL 7.x


Environment includes an Access Gateway that is running on Redhat 7.2.  Everything appears to be cunctioning except for an error message in the Admin Console for each Access Gateway:

AG Health in Admin Console shows:
Failing to get Webserver Health

error_log shows: (with Loglevel debug)

Jun 15 12:32:24 nam7 httpd[11192]: [debug] ../mod_agmon.c(251): (2)No such file or directory: Failed to create shared memory segment on file /var/run/health/health_shmfile
Jun 15 12:32:24 nam7 httpd[11192]: [debug] ../health_thread.cpp(613): health_check()- Health Check Thread Creation is disabled, No shared Memory


Create the health directory:

mkdir /var/run/health
chown wwwrun /var/run/health

Restart Apaache:
rcnovell-apache2 restart

**Found that after a restart the /var/run/health directory gets deleted again.  Filed a defect to figure out best way to address it.

As a workaround can do the follwoing:

Modify /etc/init.d/novell-apache2

Add the following  under the start function.  (lines 59-62

55 # See how we were called.
56 case "$1" in
57   start)
58       echo -n "Starting Novell Gateway Service..."
59       if [ ! -d /var/run/health ]; then
60           mkdir /var/run/health
61           chown wwwrun /var/run/health
62       fi
63         if [ -e $PID_FILE ]; then
64                 $0 status &>/dev/null

Verified this worked after a restart.


The /var/run/health log was missing which is where a swap file is used during apache health checks.

To be determined why this is missing.  If determined that the install is failing to create it then will file a defect.

Found that after a restart the /var/run/health directory gets deleted!