ZAM Contract sorting by Date columns are inaccurate

  • 7017723
  • 14-Jun-2016
  • 13-Oct-2016


Novell ZENworks Asset Management 11.3
Novell ZENworks Asset Management 11.4


ZCC > Asset Management > Contract Management (Tab) > Contracts (Link)
Contract sorting by "Start Date" or "End Date" column is not accurate.


Fixed in ZCM v11.4.3


 Root cause:
 Date column sorting was not implemented for contract page and sort was working only on Contract id.	

Additional Information

Working properly in ZCM 11.2.x.
After upgrade to 11.3.x failing as described.

ZCC > Asset Management > Contract Management (Tab) > Contracts (Link)

Successful: ZCM 11.2.0
Select “Start Date” or "End Date" to sort by ascending and/or descending

Unsuccessful: ZCM 11.3.x & ZCM 11.4.0, 11.4.1, 11.4.2
Select “Start Date” or "End Date" to sort by ascending and/or descending