Storage Expansion Option Might Not Expand Storage on ZCM 11.4.x Appliance

  • 7017685
  • 09-Jun-2016
  • 09-Jun-2016


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4


Under certain conditions, the "Storage Expansion" option on the ZENworks 11.4.x Appliance may not expand the storage space allocated to "/vastorage" or the "/var" partitions.


As a work-around try the following:
1. Expand the disk under VMware
2. novell-zenworks-configure -c Start -> Stop all ZENworks services
3. rcvabase-datamodel stop
4. rcvabase-jetty stop
5. umount /vastorage
6. yast disk -> resize /dev/sdb1 device
7. rcvabase-datamodel start
8. rcvabase-jetty start
9. novell-zenworks-configure -c Start -> Start all ZENworks services


Reported to Engineering