Admin Console
Internet Explorer
On the Admin Console Dashboard -> Mobile Access & Web -> Appmarks
Administrator was
trying to create an appmark and when clicking on the fieldto assign a role,
instead of a drop down with list of roles they were able to type in this field.
This is not the expected behavior, when you click on the role it should initiate a drop down list of all the roles that are enabled on the IDP cluster.
Was seeing the following exception in the catalina.out of the Admin Console:
assfish.jersey.internal.Errors logErrors
WARNING: The following warnings have been detected: WARNING: The (sub)resource method postAppmark in com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AppmarkAPI contains empty path annotation. WARNING: The (sub)resource method updateAppmark in com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AppmarkAPI contains empty path annotation.
WARNING: The (sub)resource method getAppmarkById in com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AppmarkAPI contains empty path annotation.
WARNING: The (sub)resource method deleteAppmark in com.microfocus.amapi.v1.resources.AppmarkAPI contains empty path annotation.
They customer was using Internet Explorer 11 when they ran into the issue. When they tried Firefox, the role drop-down list worked as it should.
Interestingly after assigning a role, they were then able to go back into IE and now when they clicked on the field, the drop -down list initiated properly.
Microfocus support will monitor the situation to see if other customer's report this issue to ensure this wasn't a fluke thing.