Task Scheduler Configuration Utility does not Show Repository's Job

  • 7017568
  • 03-May-2016
  • 03-May-2016


NetIQ AppManager Enterprise 9.1 Task Scheduler
NetIQ AppManager Enterprise 9.1 QDB
NetIQ AppManager Enterprise 9.1 NQCCDB


In the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Configuration Utility you have the Repositories listed, but the Version and Job information are not listed for the Repositories.


1) Close the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Configuration Utility

2) Stop the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Service
3) Change the Service "Startup Type" to "Automatic (Delayed Start)"

4) Start the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Service
5) Re-open the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Configuration Utility

If this does not resolve this issue, please contact NetIQ Technical Support and reference this KB article.


The NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Service is installed on the same server as the SQL Server that hosts an AppManager Repository, and both the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Service and the SQL Server Service are set to "Automatic" Startup Type.
When the Server itself boots up the NetIQ AppManager Task Scheduler Service tries to log into the SQL Repository before the SQL Server has had a chance to start the Repositories.


Additional Information

By default, after initialization, the AMTS service attempts to connect to the SQL Database every 30 minutes. So if the service were to fail to login during one period then we would try again during the next period.