Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
When trying to run the install for GroupWise 2014 R2 HP1 the following error occurs: 'novell-groupwise-gwha=0:14.2.0-123047' not found
Manually install the server software by following the steps below
- Launch a terminal session and navigate to the GroupWise 2014.2.0 HP1 install directory and type cd server/linux/x86_64
- Update the Oracle rpm by typing rpm -Uvh gw-oracle-outisde-in-8.5.2-3.x86_64.rpm
- Update the openmotif-libs rpm by typing rpm -Uvh openmotif-libs.64bit.rpm
- Update the openmotif rpm by typing rpm -Uvh openmotif.64bit.rpm
- Update the server rpm by typing rpm -Uvh novell-groupwise-server.64bit.rpm
Update the gwha rpm by typing rpm -Uvh novell-groupwise-gwha.64bit.rpm
Note: If any of the above commands create an error, --nodeps may need to be added to the end of the command. EG: rpm -Uvh novell-groupwise-server.64bit.rpm --nodeps