Custom Team not being used when opening an Incident or Request

  • 7017440
  • 31-Mar-2016
  • 31-Mar-2016


Novell Service Desk 7.x NSD Operations


  • A custom Team has been created and associated with custom workflow
  • An Item has been created and assigned the same custom workflow
  • A new Incident or Request created for this Item doesn't get assigned to the custom Team

The following or similar may be seen in LiveTime.log:

Process default workflow is not valid (undefined or doesn't have a support team) in the SLA: Warranty, attempting to locate a workflow for the SLA.


Remove the SLA from the Customer or the Customer's Organizational Unit.

For the Customer, this is configured in: User > User > Customer > [customer name] > Contracts
For the Organizational Unit, this is configured in: User > User > Organizational Units > [org unit name] > Contracts

Additional Information

The Team is selected based on SLA and workflow.

The SLA will be picked up in the following order: Customer > Organizational Unit > Item.

If an SLA is found, the  system will find the Team that supports the SLA's associated workflow in following order: Item > Item Type > Default Team > Any Team > Default Team (in case no team is found so far).

Please se
e Working on Requests for more information.