OES2015, novell-ad-util --leave-domain example.com fails with Error: Insufficient rights to do the operation, perform kinit

  • 7017437
  • 31-Mar-2016
  • 31-Mar-2016


Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux


novell-ad-util --leave-domain example.com  
fails with Error: Insufficient rights to do the operation, perform kinit

When attempting to leave domain.


First run the following command:
kinit Administrator@example.com

Where "Administrator" is Domain Admin, or sufficient rights and "example.com" is the AD Domain.
After the above command is run successfully, then run command:
novell-ad-util --leave-domain example.com 

Where "example.com" is the AD Domain.
After  the above command is run successfully, then run the following commands:
kinit -k
The list should return empty.

nitconfig get
will display the following parameters as NULL:

If you wish to rejoin the domain, run:
Yast2 novell-nssad