Error - Operation failed, unknown error Resetting to invalid mark IPP Error: 0x1007 on Appliance 1.1

  • 7017324
  • 03-Mar-2016
  • 21-Mar-2016


iPrint Appliance 1.1 patch 4 ( 419 version)


When trying to load a driver via iManager or via iprntcmd, after selecting
the .inf file and wait for few seconds, an error is displayed:

Error - Operation failed, unknown error Resetting to
invalid mark
IPP Error: 0x1007

no matter what driver or architecture was tried, error was continually present.


Open /etc/opt/novell/httpd/conf.d/iprint_ssl.conf file and change:

From AuthLDAPDNAllowDNAuth off

To  AuthLDAPDNAllowDNAuth On

restart apache2 with:

# rcapache2 restart


When this setting is set to OFF, cn authentication thru loopback will fail when using CN names. This settings needs to be ON all times.

Additional Information

Loading a driver showed the following entry on the apache2 error_log file:

[error] IdsRequest : Request to IDS failed with 1030
[warn] IPP Operation error=CLNT_ERR_NOT_FOUND, operation=401E
[error] IdsRequest : Request to IDS failed with 1030
[warn] IPP Operation error=CLNT_ERR_NOT_FOUND, operation=401E
[error] authentication to /idss failed
[error] user cn=admin,ou=iprintappliance failed. Password mismatch