NetIQ Change Guardian 4.2
Unable to browse to file locations within a policy.
Cannot browse active directory from within a policy.
Enable the browsing feature in Change Guardian 4.2 follow these instructions.
1.) Install an agent on the same machine as the Policy Editor.
2.) Stop the Change Guardian Agent Service
3.) Open the registry and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\NetIQ\ChangeGuardianAgent\repositoryEnabled
4.)Set the value to 1
5.) Then start the Change Guardian Agent .
**These steps must be performed on the agent installed on the Policy Editor as well as every agent where browsing is required.
The browsing feature caused ports to be held open for the feature when they weren't used frequently. The product was modified to disable the feature from being active on a constant basis and allow it to be enabled as needed in version 4.2.