How to change install tokens behavior in GW2014.

  • 7017204
  • 29-Jan-2016
  • 29-Jan-2016


Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
Novell GroupWise 2014


Whenever you start install console from a server desktop, it comes with instructions to execute a command and token string from the server console. You need to copy this line and open a terminal window, change into /opt/novell/groupwise/agents directory and paste the command there. And mot to omit "./" in front of the command to successfully execute the script to unlock installation web console.


This is a default behavior to prevent unauthorized personnel from running the install program and modify your system. A user must have access to the server terminal to execute such a script.
However, other option to a token approach can be configured via following command:
gwadminutil installcfg –m user –u <gwinstall_user> -p <pwd>
This command would use a login screen to authenticate into install console. Usually you shall use a different user / pwd than what you use for administering a system via webadmin console.
If you wish completely disable install console, you can do it via:
gwadminutil installcfg –m disabled

And then reset the install mode back to tokens:

gwadminutil installcfg –m token