Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
Searching in webaccess in GroupWise 2014 R2 shows no results
Searching only gives results if selecting In All Folders (others have shared with me)
Unable to search in GroupWise 2014 R2 webaccess
Load the install.sh for GroupWise
Run the configuration for webaccess
Restart tomcat
If search is still not working, check the webacc.cfg at /var/opt/novell/groupwise/webacc.cfg for the line below
Note: In Windows the path should be C:\Novell\GroupWise\WebAccess\webacc.cfg
Add this line to the webacc.cfg if running the webaccess configuration does not solve the issue and then restart tomcat
Missing this line causes the search for webaccess to encode/decode at the wrong level