Novell ZENworks Configuration
Management 11.2.4 Bundles
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 Bundles
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4 Bundles
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.3 Bundles
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management 11.4 Bundles
Performing after hours Lights Out
distributions which requires a Wake-On-LAN.
Configuring the bundle with Action set using Launch Executable windows "shutdown" command" will fail if not scheduled properly.
Configuring the bundle with Action set using Launch Executable windows "shutdown" command" will fail if not scheduled properly.
Recommend using the "Shutdown/Reboot" Action instead.
Using this Action command allows cached worksets to execute actions after the shutdown.
Otherwise for the "Launch Executable" Action set with the following scheduled settings;
Set Distribution Schedule: to Date Specific and Time
Set Wake-on-LAN default - checked
(Do not set Install Immediately after Distribution)

Set a Launch Schedule to date specific and time - 3 minutes later than distribution schedule.

Workstation will WoL boot and wait at the login screen.
3 minutes later the Reboot will occur with the bundle performing the Shutdown/Reboot Action.
Using this Action command allows cached worksets to execute actions after the shutdown.
Otherwise for the "Launch Executable" Action set with the following scheduled settings;
Set Distribution Schedule: to Date Specific and Time
Set Wake-on-LAN default - checked
(Do not set Install Immediately after Distribution)

Set a Launch Schedule to date specific and time - 3 minutes later than distribution schedule.

Workstation will WoL boot and wait at the login screen.
3 minutes later the Reboot will occur with the bundle performing the Shutdown/Reboot Action.
Additional Information
Requirements: Lights Out Distribution with WoL and no user login, need to reboot device
Create the test "Shutdown" bundle: -command: shutdown.exe
-command parameters: /r /f /t 0
Test components that fail; - Device Wake on LAN (typically scheduled off hours) - No user login on the device - Assign "Shutdown" bundle to this device scheduled 10 min later after device WoL - In ZCC refresh device - "Shutdown" bundle will not execute Login to the PC and the "Shutdown" bundle will then execute. Having user login to trigger shutdown is not the desired results.
Desired results: Lights Out Distribution using Wake-on-LAN and Reboot w/o user intervention or user login.
See resolution above for settings.