Novell GroupWise 2014
How to rebuild a user's quickfinder index
When searching for email, the user is not finding any email.
Slow results returned with Tools | Find in GroupWise Client
No results returned from query or search
When searching for email, the user is not finding any email.
Slow results returned with Tools | Find in GroupWise Client
No results returned from query or search
A. Set password for Webconsole for Post office Agent
1. Login to gwadmin console
2. Open the properties for the Post office Agent
3. Select the "Agent Settings"and provide User Name and password under "HTTP".
Save and Exit
B. Set Logging level to Verbose
1. Login to POA webconsole. Eg: http://ip:7181
2. Click on the Configuration tab.
3. select "Log Settings" and change the logging level to "Diagnostics" and click on "Apply".
C. Quick Finder Indexing for one user
1. Under "Configuration" page, select "Quick Finder Indexing"
2. Under "Action Options:", select "Update and Compress Indexes"
3. Under "Indexing Options:" -- Indexing Level (/qflevel), select "Unlimited"
Do not check - Sweep Document Library for Replications
Do not check - Index Document Library before User DBs
Check - Index User Databases
Check - Delete Old QFinder Files
4. Under Beginning User FID (userFID.db), enter "1b3"
Ending User FID, enter "1b3"
Example: user database is user1b3.db
Note: If the activity needs to be done for all users, enter 000 to zzz as the scope for the above point
5. Click on Submit
You can monitor the logs for the progress on a periodic basis. You can also check the status under the POA webconsole -- Status and at the bottom of the page - QuickFinder