Novell Open Enterprise Server 2 (OES 2) Linux Support Pack 3
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES2015) Linux
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES2015) Linux
Customer was attempting to run MIGGUI with tranfer ID option. Source server was OES2sp3 running edir, DNS, DHCP. There were no NSS volumes on the server..
On target server ran the following command to test sms.
On source server ran the following command:
tsatest -s IpAddressOfSourceServer --path /Tsatest, failed,.
On source server ran the following command:
./smsconfig –tTSAFS was not loaded. Loaded tsafs with the following command.
./smsconfig –l tsafsOnce tsafs was loaded on the source server, MIGGUI could then authenticate to the source server as root.
tsafs was not loaded on the source server..