Novell GroupWise 2014 R2
With GW2014 R2 version there is LDAP tab on MTA that provide an option to start LDAP service. This LDAP can be used by any mail client defined with LDAP address book to get email address info of your system users. However, despite you enabled LDAP service and configured a port, there is not such service listed with this port on a server itself.
Although this service is specified on MTA object, it is not MTA agent that starts this service. It is gwadminservice which after loading start LDAP service.
There seems to be a problem with a shipping version of GW2014 R2 that this service does not seem to get activated. A way to initiate this service you will need to go into /opt/novell/groupwise/admin and locate a file called gwadmin-logging.xml.
Make a copy of it first and then edit original version. search for:
<logger name="com.novell.gw.ldap" additivity="false">
<level value="INFO"/>
<level value="INFO"/>
and change log level to DEBUG.
Next bellow string:
<logger name="org.apache.directory" additivity="false">
<level value="ERROR"/>
<level value="ERROR"/>
and change log level to INFO. Then save the file and run:
rcgrpwise stop
followed by
rcgrpwise start.
Note, do not use "restart" as this option does not stop gwadminservice. You will need to wait a minute or two after all is loading to get LDAP service listening on specified ports.
Once this is done, you can revert changes in XML file or just rename back original file and restart all services again.