tftp directory not copied by Appliance upgrade procedure

  • 7016950
  • 29-Oct-2015
  • 29-Oct-2015


Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Imaging
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Installation - Server
Novell ZENworks Configuration Management Appliance


  • Files missing from /srv/tftp directory after migrating ZENworks Appliance
  • Only the following files are migrated during migration from 11.3 to 11.4 appliance
# cat /vastorage/MigrationCopiedFilesList.log | grep /srv/tftp


Workaround:  Copy the files manually to a temporary location prior to upgrading and then to the upgraded appliance after upgrading.


Reported to Engineering

Additional Information

This issue generally doesn't matter for any appliance that isn't the Master because it will sync down the necessary information.  It does matter if the appliance is the master and has custom files!