Caution notice while performing in-place upgades from OES11 SP2 to OES2015.

  • 7016838
  • 16-Sep-2015
  • 16-Sep-2015


Novell Open Enterprise Server 11 (OES 11) Linux Support Pack 2
Novell Open Enterprise Server 2015 (OES 2015) Linux


When upgrading OES 11 SP2 to OES 2015 using the down-server media/AutoYaST upgrade, the SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration product is also being installed.

This  product will allow to enable the upgrade to SLES 11 SP4 which is currently an unsupported platform to run OES 2015.


To resolve this, please perform the following steps:

1. Remove the SLES-11-SP3-Update repository to ensure that the future updates from NCC continue to be available:
zypper rr SLES11-SP3-Updates
2. Remove the SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration migration product.
This will prevents the OES 2015 server's base SLES Operating System from being upgraded to SLES 11 SP4.
zypper rm -t product SUSE_SLES-SP4-migration
3. Re-register (suse_register) the OES2015 server to the Novell Customer Center to ensure the appropriate subscriptions to the correct SLES and OES channels.

To verify, execute the following  zypper lr -E  and the following repositories should be enabled.


The blocker patch that was shipped on the media is not working correctly due to upgrade logic giving the channel patches a higher priority than the the blocker patch on the overlay media.

Additional Information

Please also see the official upgrade to OES 2015 documentation pages here.