Using special characters affects returned data

  • 7016835
  • 15-Sep-2015
  • 17-Sep-2015


NetIQ Secure Configuration Manager 6.0


Using Special Characters Affects Returned Data

Using special characters, such as !*#)_%, to name user-defined items can adversely affect returned data. The following issues can occur:

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When you create a policy template, the Asset Compliance View does not include data for the policy template. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When you create a policy template, the Security Checkup Results Viewer shows incorrect compliance status for the policy template. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When you create a policy template, delta reports run against the policy template include unhandled exception errors. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When you create a user-defined folder in Job Queues > My Reports, Secure Configuration Manager does not support the use of special characters for the folder name. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When you create custom security checks, Secure Configuration Manager does not support the use of special characters in the fields for those checks. 

<!--[if !supportLists]-->   <!--[endif]-->When an organizational unit (OU) name contains special characters, the following Active Directory security checks do not return data for that OU: AD Number of user accounts by OU and AD Number of groups by group


This is documented as a known issue.  Do not create checks or templates or folders containing the following special characters - 潞陋\!|"@鈥#$~%鈧&卢\/()\=\?驴'隆`+^*[]麓莽篓脟{},.-_


special characters such as 潞陋\!|"@鈥#$~%鈧&卢\/()\=\?驴'隆`+^*[]麓莽篓脟{},.-_ adversely affect returned data and are not supported