NetIQ Group Policy Administrator 6.x
How to change the Microsoft SQL Server hosting the GPA Repository database
How to move the GPA Repository to a new SQL Server
How to move the GPA Repository to a new SQL Server
- Create a backup of the existing GPA Repository
- Use Microsoft SQL Server utilities, or other 3rd party tools to create a full backup of the existing GPA Repository Database
- Determine if there is a need to change the Windows Server OS hosting the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator Repository
- The GPA Repository component will be listed in the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator installer, which is accessible from the Windows Add / Remove programs menu on the local Server OS.
- To keep the NetIQ GPA Repository component installed on the same Windows OS
- Use Windows Add / Remove programs menu on the local Server OS to remove ONLY the Repository component from the NetIQ Group Policy Administrator application.
- Once the existing Repository has been removed, or if using a new Windows Server OS to host the repository; use the GPA Setup to install the Repository component again.
- During the GPA Setup process use the new SQL Server (or SQL Server Instance) name for the GPA Repository database server
- This will install a blank GPA Repository database on the new SQL Server
- This will also create the necessary SQL Server roles and security required for GPA
- Once the new database is in place, the previous backed up GPA Repository database can be restored on top of the blank database.
- Connect any GPA Console installs to the new database location
- Open the GPA console
- Right click the GPA Repository Node
- Select the New Option, and then connect to database
- From the database connection screen type the name of the new SQL Server
- Click OK until returning back to the console screen
- Once the database connection screen has closed the new repository will be listed in the GPA Console
Additional Information
After moving the GPA Repository to the new SQL Server any previously created Untrusted Domain console users will need to be recreated using the GPA console. This process must occur because the AD user account from the untrusted domain must be linked to an existing SQL Server login ID. The previous SQL Server login IDs are not saved inside the GPA Repository.
The new SQL Server hosting the GPA Repository must also be supported by the current version of GPA. For details on GPA requirements plesase see the NetIQ Group Policy Install guide located on the NetIQ Support Web site: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/ .
Further details on the Untrusted domain user creation process can be found in KB 7016368 ( https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7016368 )
The new SQL Server hosting the GPA Repository must also be supported by the current version of GPA. For details on GPA requirements plesase see the NetIQ Group Policy Install guide located on the NetIQ Support Web site: https://www.netiq.com/documentation/ .
Further details on the Untrusted domain user creation process can be found in KB 7016368 ( https://support.microfocus.com/kb/doc.php?id=7016368 )